C.1-FRS Innovative Composite Fuel Consumption and Gases Pollution Reduction (up to 25%) System for Land and Railway Vehicles.

Innovative Composites Fuel Consumption & Gases Pollution Reduction(up to 25%) System (FRS) by Testing in Private Car

Innovative Composites Fuel Consumption & Gases Pollution Reduction(up to 25%) System (FRS) by Testing in Private Car

Bus , intended for Installation of FRS Fuel Consumption & Gases Pollution Reduction System

After several last years of comprehensive Market Research,Development,Design & Prototypes successful Field Tested according requirements International Standards ISCOM succeed in developing New Innovative,Composites and Economical Efficiency FRS System for Fuel Consumption & Gases Pollution Reduction(up to 25-30%).The FRS System is Low Cost,universal, Unique,Competitive with all kind Fuel reduction devices,installed on poor Aerodynamic shape Land & Railway Vehicles ,currently available in the World.Invented FRS System is ready for immediate World-wide Commercial Dissemination(Mass Production & Marketing). Commercial Dissemination do not need to build new Plants.For implementation of FRS in exploitation now Vehicles one of possible Way is following.All Elements of FRS could be ordered at existing & selected by ISCOM some World Composites Production Plants and delivered to FRS Distribution Centers. Distribution Centers will be sold FRS Elements to Garages and Workshops for mounting on in use Vehicles.


It is very well known fact,that bluff bodied Land & Railway Vehicles:a)Busses,Trucks-light-duty and heavy-duty(Trailers,Urban Delivery Vehicles,Waste Disposal Trucks,etc);b)Automobiles-both private & business(Pickup Trucks,Station Wagons,Minivans,Tenders,Taxis,Private Cars,etc);c)Rail Freight & Passenger Trains,Street Railways,Trolley Busses,etc,moving on Roads & Rails are experiencing considerable Aerodynamic Drag,especially at high speeds.This Drag is due chiefly to separation of flow of the air around the blunt body of the moving Vehicle with vast cavities of turbulent air formed. Consequently considerable Fuel Consumptions & Gaseous Pollution are increasing. Existing whole World Forecasts and,in particular,in Europe show about very high transport growth Surface Transport demand("White Paper:" European Transport policy for 2010 :time to decide": Forecast a transport growth by 2010 in the European Union of 38% for freight and 24% for passenger transport( base-year 1998).In this context the World Strategic Objectives in Sustainable surface(road,rail,etc)transport are Developments for making Existing and new Vehicles Environmentally Friendly(less Gaseous Pollution to atmosphere),Energy Saving,Cost/Energy-efficiency, more effective & competitive.For example,the overall Objective European Commission is to reduce the Demand EC for energy by 18% by the year 2010 in order to contribute to to meeting European Union's commitments to combat climate change and to improve the security of energy supply,improve environmental quality as well as quality of life for occupants.


In order to reduce above mentioned Drag of moving Land & Railway Vehicles ( which is component of the total Drag of the Vehicles)and to save on Fuel Consumption & decrease Gaseous Pollution,various Devices are used as Air Deflectors,Streamlined Panels,etc,which today are most accepted Fuel Saving Systems for Trucks,Trailers. Use such Deflectors or Streamlined Panels are limited by some of the following Problems:
a)Not universaly(Applicable only for Trucks & Trailers and impossible to install for all kind Vehicles- Station Wagons,Minivans,Tenders,etc;Busses,Rail Freight & Passenger Trains,Street Railways,Trolley Busses,etc
b)Relatively Low rate (per )cent% of Fuel Saving -From 6 to 16(In Vehicles with poor aerodynamic Shapes of bodies) c)High Weight-from 25 till 80 kg.
d)High Production & Sale Cost.
The invented FRS System is working on such principle ,that the Separation of Airflow is avoided with Laminar Flow of Air.Result of this essential reducing above mentioned Drag, Reduction Fuel Consumption & Gaseous Pollution.


The following Data is focus with FRS System on Trucks,Busses Vehicles. The Global Market of Trucks,Trailer,Busses,etc Land Vehicles is enormous. Yearly World Market Size of FRS System is ~400 Million Units /~80 Billions $US for Land Vehicles only. The Global Market for the Automotive Industry is subject in recent years to a Tendency to Energy Conservations,Environment protection & concomitant enhancement in quality of Life by development Energy-efficient Vehicles by use Advanced Technologies of Lightweight Composites,Reducing Fuel Consumption & Gaseous Pollution Systems.Demands & Preference of World Market(USA,Europe,Japan,Korea,etc)are to Applications with use Improving International & Local Standards on Reduction Fuel Consumption,with respect to USA,EU,etc norms by at least 20% Reduction Pollution CO,No,etc particles. Hereafter is a Table ,describing some Data of Production Trucks in the World in 1999.


The Global Trucks and Busses Market is recently experiencing intense competition between the Leading Manufacturers of these Vehicles. Therefore there is a trend of Mergers and Joint Ventures govern the Trucks Market. Each of the Leading Companies manufactures hundreds of thousands of Heavy-duty and Light-duty Trucks annually.

The Fuel Consumption of Trucks and Busses is especially high.The Fuel Consumption of Trucks,which weight more than 12 ton varies, according to various parameters, is 1.5 to 6 liters of diesel per Km.An average Bus consumes about 2 liters of diesel per Km.A Truck or a Bus travels 100,000-200,000 Km per year,while the Fuel Expenses is one of the Largest Factors in the Current Expenses Column of the Owner Income Report.

Mainly the high Fuel Consumption derives from the Long Structure of the Vehicle and as a result of the Vehicle contact with air.During the drive,especially in high speeds,there is a friction between the air and the Large Truck or Bus or Train, which significantly increases the Diesel Consumption.

The Fuel Consumption in the past years is a very important parameter for both Trucks and Busses Manufacturers,due to the Financial and the Air Pollution aspects. Trucks and Busses Manufacturers try to cope with the aspiration to decrease the current Fuel Consumption,using several methods:producing more efficient Engines, decreasing the Vehicle weight without affecting its performance and more.

Until today due to the Market attributes Consumers chose a Truck or a Bus based on their Performance,Reliability,Carrying Capacity,the Driver's Convenience, the Life Span of the Vehicle and other considerations.Due to the increased competition between the Manufacturers of Trucks and Busses these are forced to detect and emphasize the New Relative Attributes and Advantages in order to preserve and increase their Market segment.

The offered FRS-Fuel Reduction System is composed of New Innovative Aerodynamic Devices,made from Composite Materials,that will be assembled on Trucks/Trailers/ Urban Delivery Vehicles/Waste Disposal Trucks/Pickup Trucks/Station Wagons/ Minivans/Tenders/Taxis/Private Automobiles/Rail Freight Passenger Trains/Street Railways/Trolley Busses,etc.The total weight of the FRS System,installed on Trucks,Trailers,Busses will be 10 to 15 Kg.

The installation of the FRS System will become a significant Advantage for the Vehicles Manufacturers,who will integrate it in New Models of Trucks,Busses,etc Vehicles,which are produced by them and for the Owners existing Vehicles,which are now in exploitation.The FRS System will enable an average Saving up to 25-30% of the Fuel Consumption for Vehicles with poor Aerodynamic shape,when driving out of the City and will contribute to reduction Air Pollution in same range as Fuel Saving.


All world-wide using Trucks,Trailers,Busses,etc without traditional Air Deflectors,installed on roof of cabins,are working in range of partially or fully developed separation of Air.This Air Deflectors,installed on roof of cabins contribute to Fuel Saving and Reduction Gaseous Pollution .

The current Air Deflectors,which are could install only in Trucks & Trailers,and , is made from Fiberglass,weigh 26-80 Kg,and helps to save 6-16% of Fuel Consumption in such Vehicles and not adjusted to Busses & to Railway Vehicles .The Cost Air Deflectors for the final Consumer is about 350 US dollars per piece.

The Innovative Design of the FRS System and its Unique Construction & Composition Grants it several distinct Advantages over the Current Air Deflectors:

Following Table show Comparison Data of Innovative FRS System and Existing Air Deflectors for it Applications in Trucks ,Trailers,etc

Data Air Deflectors Innovative FRS
Fuel Consumption & Gases Pollution Reduction ~6-16% ~25-30%
Material Fiberglass Advanced Composites


The following Table represents the findings of one of the numerous Experiments performed by ISCOM in last year. The experiments examined the Fuel Consumption of a Private Vehicles in 12 rides, which were taken in similar road and climate conditions and fixed speed of,60,70,80 & 90 km per hour. The FRS device was installed in the frontal part of the vehicle. The test compares the fuel consumption to a situation ,where the Device is not installed and were installed in the frontal part of the vehicle.

Table: Innovative FRS System in Private Car.

  With Innovative FRS System Without FRS System Fuel Saving Rate (%)
Ti, Sec g, Liter/100 km V, Km/h Ti, Sec g,Liter/100 Km/h V, Km/h
1 22.4 6.036 90 19.2 7.375 90 18.1%
2 19.9 7.045 90 18.2 7.890 90 10.7%
3 22.5 6.000 90 19.9 7.045 90 14.8%
4 19.0 7.474 90 18.8 7.574 90 13.0%
5 22.4 6.036 90 20.0 7.000 90 13.7%
6 19.2 7.375 90 19.6 7.183 90 -2.6%
7 21.9 6.219 90 19.0 7.474 90 16.8%
8 21.3 6.450 90 19.8 7.090 90 9.0%
9 19.0 7.474 90 18.7 7.625 90 1.9%
10 21.1 6.530 90 20.4 6.823 90 4.3%
11 22.7 5.930 90 18.6 7.677 90 22.7%
12 19.0 7.474 90 19.9 7.045 90 -6.0%
  Average 8.7%

The experiment findings suggest that the FRS system, when installed only in the frontal part of the vehic.le, saved 8.7% of the fuel consumption during test-drive. In another experiment performed by ISCOM, it examined the change in the fuel consumption while driving in a/m speeds The following graph depicts the fuel consumption in similar field and climate conditions while driving in various speeds: The following graph depicts the fuel consumption in similar field and climate conditions while driving in various speeds:
90   80   70   60   KM/HOUR
According to the findings, as depicted in the above graph, the optimal saving rate in the fuel consumption while driving on highways with the FRS system is when driving at an average speed of 80 Km per hour. The experiment findings performed and depicted above suggest that there is an average saving of 8.7% in the fuel consumption of the Private Model (characterized by an good Aerodynamic Shape) when the FRS system was installed on its front. According to these data and considering the results of other experiments in the world as well as theoretical calculations, the FRS system will save about 25% of the fuel consumption of trucks and busses.